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#1 Turrones Marquesán eshop

(09-12-2021 19:40:35)

a new ecommerce site built with Thelia v2.4.4. is online. Merchant is selling artisan traditional spanish sweet turron usually served during Christmas time.
Shop is very easy, has few sections and products and a couple of static pages. Payment is by card only. We tried to keep in clean and easy as much as possible and have it more a product focused.

It's the second time we used Thelia for this merchant. The first version has been built with version 1.4.x and has been replaced after almost 8 years by WooCommerce built by another company. Customer didn't like that solution and asked for a new shop that should be very similiar like the first version. After very good experience with Thelia 1.4.x that offered us maximum personalization, we've chosen Thelia again and it was a great choice.

I used following modules:
- CmCIC: customize for another POS provider
- CustomDelivery: available only for Iberian peninsula (Spain, Portugal and Andorra)
- FreeDelivery
- Google Analytics
- OrderComment
- Carousel
- StoreSeo
- HookSocial
- HookCookies
- ForcePhone

I would like to thank to all persons that build and contribute to Thelia project and users that responded in thelia forum as well.

Thelia version 2.4.4.



Congrats on the launch. That's a really fast site.


A nice and fast site !

Congratulations smile

OpenStudio Toulouse