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I'm trying to install this locally on a Mac and every time I run the install I get

"Wrong connection information"

when I try to enter my DB credentials. I've created a DB beforehand incase that was the issue, I've used both my "root" user and another user that works and has access to the DB but still I get the error.

The output in full is as follows -

➜  php Thelia thelia:install
#!/usr/bin/env php

Welcome to Thelia install process
You need information about your database configuration (host, username, password, database name, etc)

Caution : You are installing Thelia in cli mode, we verify some information, but this information are only available for the cli php sapi
This informations can be different in your apache or cgi php.ini files

Checking some permissions
PHP version 5.5.36 matches the minimum required (PHP 5.4). ... Ok
The directory /Users/gideoncresswell/Sites/Symfony/thelia/local/config is writable ... Ok
The directory /Users/gideoncresswell/Sites/Symfony/thelia/log is writable ... Ok
The directory /Users/gideoncresswell/Sites/Symfony/thelia/cache is writable ... Ok
The directory /Users/gideoncresswell/Sites/Symfony/thelia/web is writable ... Ok
The directory /Users/gideoncresswell/Sites/Symfony/thelia/local/session is writable ... Ok
The directory /Users/gideoncresswell/Sites/Symfony/thelia/local/media is writable ... Ok
The PHP "memory_limit" configuration value (currently 512M) is correct (128M required). ... Ok
The PHP "post_max_size" configuration value (currently 20M) is correct (20M required). ... Ok
The PHP "upload_max_filesize" configuration value (currently 2M) is correct (2M required). ... Ok
curl php extension is loaded. ... Ok
fileinfo php extension is loaded. ... Ok
gd php extension is loaded. ... Ok
intl php extension is loaded. ... Ok
mcrypt php extension is loaded. ... Ok
pdo_mysql php extension is loaded. ... Ok
Database host [default: localhost] :
Database port [default: 3306] :
Database name (if database does not exist, Thelia will try to create it) : thelia
Database username : root
Database password :
Wrong connection information

As you can see, my credentials are correct -

➜ mysql -u root -P 3306 -h localhost thelia
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2263
Server version: 5.7.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Did you try to install Thelia using the web installer (http://yourhost/install) ?

OpenStudio Toulouse