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I am interested in Thelia development. I'm coding with Netbeans on GNU/Linux.

Smarty support in Netbeans is somewhat problematic. Since smarty template files are files with .html extension, I have to change the file association for .html files for text/x-tpl mime type. This is not a good habit, I guess.

Which development environment do you offer for me? By the way, I am in favor of free software.

Best regards...


Thelia 2 is currently developped with JetBrain's PHPStorm IDE. Not free, but  for € 99, you'll get a nearly perfect IDE for PHP development, integration, test and deployment. You may also get a free licence, see details at

I used Eclipse for years, but left it in favor of PHPStorm, which is far much convenient for PHP development.

OpenStudio Toulouse


Thank you for your response. I'll give it a try.

I wish PHPStorm were free as in freedom. I feel that PHP is orphaned in the free software development environment. All Netbeans, Eclipse, and PHPStorm as well, are firstly created for Java or other than PHP...

I really love freedom smile


I really love freedom

Ha ha. Maybe. But it seems that you're rather loving freebies.

Get Eclipse or Netbeans. As they're free, you'll get great value for your money.

OpenStudio Toulouse



You have 30 days to test free PhpStorm

This is a very good investment.

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roadster31 wrote:

But it seems that you're rather loving freebies.

Nope. I am interested in neither price nor money. I can invest on a proprietary IDE as mrguillou recommends. But I'm interested in freedom and public...

For example, Thelia is free as in freedom. That's why I'm interested in Thelia. When my company grows enough in my country, I may announce an investment on Thelia development and deployment. My goal is to grow as a fully free software company.

