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#1 Turrones Marquesán eshop

(19-12-2011 19:37:53)

A new eshop for pastry Marquesán from Híjar (Spain) is built on Thelia v. with UTF-8 support.
Website was developed for a spanish environment, file names and BO is in spanish and front-end is ready for a multilingual versions.

Eshop is structured in sections and its products like regular ones. Just one section is particularly different, it is a solution of gift boxes of 2 or 3 products mentioned here:

Site is XHTML strict valid and optimised for a google's page speed (+-93) and yahoo's YSlow (+-92). I had been following a great article written by Paris Beyrouth (Spip developer) how to do it: … 0-100-avec

According to customer requirements, transport contains just one option and paying method is implemented for TPV Virtual CECA - POS card paying system.

I have used these plugins: Parseur amélioré, Alerte stock par produit, Prix plus and its self-made clone Name plus, Traduction du site depuis l'admin, Gestion des pays and Edition Infos Plugins, "Minification" du code HTML, Filtre Addition, Filtre diffmulti, Filtre egalmulti, Filtrage, Filtre Date à la Française, Templates a la Spip, Attacher un message à une, Filtre calcul,  Filtre Lengthmaxplus, Filtres de comparaison, Filtre contient and self-made Limit for a quantity of a product in the cart.

I have to thank Thelia developers for a great e-commerce solution and also all contributors of extensions and forum contributors.

And I am looking forward for another project now built with the last version of Thelia, which makes developing much more easy.


Thelia version 2.4.4.


Nice website but:
Podrá adquirir nuestros turrones en esta web del 1/12/2011 al 6/01/2012 lol
so no prices for now...

Davidm wrote:

front-end is ready for a multilingual versions

I no find how have to access to other languages...                                                      tongue  plugin 1.4.x / 1.5   => valeurstock / Mailpaiement / formcontact


Thanks for response.

Yes, "Podrá adquirir nuestros turrones..." it happened yesterday few minutes after my post here smile My customer have closed eshop temporary, but did't specify why and put a default message which you can see at this moment.

Another language is technically ready, but just not published yet.

reg wrote:

Nice website but:
Podrá adquirir nuestros turrones en esta web del 1/12/2011 al 6/01/2012 lol
so no prices for now...

Davidm wrote:

front-end is ready for a multilingual versions

I no find how have to access to other languages...

Thelia version 2.4.4.